Convicted in a child sex sting operation, a New Haven man received a suspended sentence, and will now face ten years on probation, and on the sex offender registry. Marvin Dunkley, 43, was charged after responding to a fake Craigslist ad. The ad, and subsequent phone conversation, involved a woman offering a sexual encounter with both her, and her 13-year old step-daughter. The sting operation, known as “Operation Not in My Town” took place in Connecticut, in January, 2018 (
Unlike three other defendants already convicted in the same sting operation, Dunkley will not face jail time. However, Dunkley was also the only defendant who expressed concern and reservation about the girl’s age. Dunkley was never witnessed saying he would have sex with a thirteen-year-old, but did call it “possible.”
Dunkley pleaded guilty to attempted risk of injury to a minor. A second charge, attempted second-degree sexual assault, was withdrawn. Dunkley will also face a mental health assessment.
More details on the Connecticut sex registry can be found at
Child rape is one of the most heinous of crimes. If you know, or even strongly suspect, a child is being victimized, it is vital you come forward. However, in this case, Dunkley’s sentence reflected the level of his true crime. If you are ever charged with a crime of any type, it’s vital to seek competent legal counsel to make sure all the facts come forward. Prosecutors may seek to impose the most harsh charges possible, charges that are not always warranted. Don’t serve a harsher sentence than you deserve, even if you’re not completely innocent.